Disciples' Transformative Spiritual Practices
If something grows too fast, it could lose the integrity of it's strength to hold the expanding height and weight. Growth takes time, and we want that time to be able to develop, to be challenged, and to grow at a good pace -- God's pace.
We want the integrity of transformation to take place as God's Kingdom continues to grow. We can't short-cut this process.
Our sanctification/transformation takes place in our relationship with God through the power of His Holy Spirit.
The by-product fruit in our lives reveal in those moments if we are abiding in God's Spirit (Tree of Life), or in the tree that leads to death.
We need intentional space and time to abide in God’s tree that produces His life-giving fruit!
Again, it isn’t just a “do better, now I need to focus on being better at being patient, or loving, or having more joy, or focus on being better at one of the fruits of the spirit this week” as if trying to produce the fruit ourselves.
Instead, it’s sharing intentional time to practice abiding in God’s Spirit so His fruit overflows as the by-product in the rest of our lives as God continues to transform us in Christ through His Spirit.
Practicing these spiritual disciplines help equip us to disciple as we are in our growing transformative relationship with God through His Spirit.
This is our hope for you: to continue to grow and help other disciples grow in their transformative maturing relationship with God through His Spirit.